Who to contact


If you have any concerns the local services contact details are listed below.

Remember if there is immediate danger; dial 999.
Local Services in County Durham and Darlington:


Durham Constabulary

Telephone 101 (or if there is immediate danger 999)


First Contact Service Durham

Telephone: 03000 267 979



Children’s Services Darlington

Telephone: 01325 406222


Local Organisations in County Durham and Darlington:


The Meadows Sexual Assault Referral Centre

For help and advice please call: 0191 301 8554 
(answer machine available outside of office hours)



RSACC The Rape & Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre

For queries regarding counselling, support, and to access our telephone support-line contact: 
01325 369 933



Durham Local Safeguarding Children Board



Darlington Local Safeguarding Children Board



National Organisations / Charities


The saysomething team provide a listening support to young people enabling young people to discuss worries and feelings, obtain advice and pass on concerns around child sexual exploitation anonymously.

Call or text 116 000 




Fearless is a site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and cirminality.

What make this site different is we also provide you with a safe place to give information to us about crime - 100% anonymously.






Think u Know

Information for children, adults or teachers on staying safe on the internet



Telephone: 0800 1111




0808 800 5000




Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation (Pace)
Working alongside and supporting parents and carers whose children have been sexually exploited.

Telephone: 0113 240 3040